Geissele Triggers Overview

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Geissele triggers are back. We have quite a few options now, comparatively; when we had these before, I'm gonna go through those options with you and why you might choose one over the other. First we have the Geissele SSA-E. This trigger is a two-stage trigger, uh, with a three-and-a-half pound break. The second trigger is a normal SSA. This is a four-and-a-half pound trigger, uh, two-stage as well. So same trigger as the SSA-E, uh, is just one, is one pound lighter than the other. The next trigger is the Super Dynamic Enhanced. This trigger is the same as the SSA-E, except it has a flat-face trigger on it. Following that is the Super Dynamic Combat trigger. Again, this is gonna be the same as the SSA trigger, um, except again, the trigger face is just flat.

And finally, the last two triggers we have are our two single-stage triggers. Both of these are three and a half pounds. However, one is curved, and one is flat face. So we have a Super Dynamic Single Stage Precision and then just the normal Single Stage Precision trigger. Um, and both of these are three and a half pounds. Now, why might you choose one over the other? That's a good question. That's really gonna be. Some of that is gonna be shooter preference. Um, generally, more precision-type guns. As you hints in the name of the trigger, you might want a single-stage trigger. Some people prefer, uh, the standard two-stage trigger in their precision gun, and that may be why you want a three-and-a-half versus the four-and-a-half pound Mil-Spec ish weight trigger. Last thing I wanna talk about is the different packaging with these triggers. Obviously, you might get one with a box or in a package like this. It's kind of random. It's just how Geissele tends to package their triggers at the time. So you may get one in a package like this or in the box it; it's just kind of random. So let's get one of these installed.

Wanna Talk about what's in the box real quick? So we're gonna have our trigger here. Open this guy up. We're gonna have our GI juice. Uh, this is called a slave pin. This helps with trigger installation. I'm not gonna use it. We have a little owner's manual, and we have the trigger itself. So doing this will be a lot easier on a, uh, like a Magpul BEV block, for example, with a vice. But we're gonna do it on a table with just an Allen key cuz it's, it's doable this way. First thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to take out the trigger retaining pins from the Geissele trigger itself. And then, I'm going to talk about what needs to be lubricated on the trigger according to Geissele.

So the nice part about these triggers is that they come, um, with the springs already orientated for you, so you don't have to try and figure that out. Now the trigger pin on the lower half of the trigger will come out pretty easily. The top one may be a little difficult, so you may just need to use your Allen key to help push it through. So let's open up this GI juice and lubricate what needs to be lubricated, according to Geissele. So basically, it's every friction point. So you're gonna see on the disconnect here. Uh, we want to lubricate right here. We're gonna lubricate on the top here, and then we're actually gonna lubricate into where the trigger pin goes.

All right. And it's the same thing with this guy. So just the friction points. Actually, this one, you can see where the trigger's starting to wear already.

We're gonna hit both of those. And then just a, a touch on each side for the trigger retaining pins. All right, now this trigger's lubed up, ready to get installed. We're gonna start installing the Geissele trigger. Now, uh, we're gonna start with the bottom half of the trigger. Now the trigger's all nice and lubricated. So what we're gonna do, or what, uh, keeps the trigger in place is the tension of these springs. Just like so, so imagine my thumb is the bottom of the receiver. This is what's gonna keep the trigger in place. So to install this, I'm going to kind of angle this trigger just through the hole down at the bottom. And I'm going to slide this trigger on back. That'll help keep the springs in line. That'll make it all a little bit easier to install. Next thing we're gonna do is put the trigger pin through. So you're gonna see these trigger pins have two grooves, one in the middle, one on the far right or far side. Uh, these keep the trigger in place by catching the spring in that groove. So we're gonna install the side without the groove first. That'll just help it slide through. If you install this side first, it doesn't matter. It's just this goes in a little easier.

Now these trigger pins, uh, should not be tapped in. They should just, uh, push in with your fingers. What we're looking for is just these things lined up or the, uh, trigger to be lined up with the hole there. Get it started. So the trigger pin started, it's not going through. It's hitting a little resistance because the disconnect here is not lined up. So in order to line this up, uh, an easy way to do this is I'm just going to put my thumb on it and move it up and down back and forth. Again, I'm not tapping this with a tool or a hammer or anything. I'm just using my finger to push this through cause I don't wanna force this. There we go.

Just wanna double check that we're nice and flush on each side. Here we are. We're good to go. All right, next, we're going to install the trigger hammer. So this guy is gonna be a little bit more difficult than the bottom, uh, cuz this spring is gonna have a lot more tension on it. So this is how it's gonna be orientated. I'm gonna lay these, these springs down on the bottom, uh, trigger pin. And as you can see, this is how it naturally wants to lay. And there's a lot of, there's a lot of, uh, movement that needs to happen. This is under a lot of tension. So I get you to move this all the way down to line up here. Now, there's a little trick to this to make it a little easier. So what I'm gonna do is, is I'm gonna drive this down with my left thumb, and then I'm going to push down with my right hand while I pull back, and it's gonna click right in place. So now it's in, uh, now it's somewhat set. It's not gonna be lined up perfectly, as you can see; it's pretty close, actually. Um, any sort of bump or if I, you know, release the trigger, this will fly out again. This spring is pretty strong. So now I'm gonna take the trigger retaining pin. I'm gonna go the smooth side first and get it started.

I'm just using my left thumb to wiggle the trigger to get it to line up. Now that it's somewhat started, uh, normally, I would not want to tap these things, but this one is pretty tight. So I'm just gonna take a small little hammer here, give it a couple love taps,

Barely touching it, and it's gonna go all the way through. So now it's hitting the other side of the receiver. I'm just gonna flip it over, make sure it's lined up to go all the way through. And there we go. So there we have it. It's installed. I'm just gonna do a quick function check. So, uh, leave it on safe. I'm gonna put my, my hand over the hammer just to make sure it's not going. So I'm gonna put it on fire, put my thumb over the hammer to control it, and let it ride forward. I'm gonna make sure it reconnects. There we go. So with the Geissele trigger, as you can see, it's a two-stage. We got that really distinct, uh, first stage to a solid wall. No mush clean break. There's the reset. So if you have any other questions regarding the Geissele triggers or, uh, help installing these triggers, uh, go ahead and email us at [email protected]